The Story Behind InsideJourneys
Welcome to InsideJourneys and thank you for visiting and commenting.
“Travel offers an opportunity not just to discover a new place but to discover one’s self – an inside journey.”

Like most Jamaicans, I took for granted the country in which I was born – perhaps because I had no other place with which to compare it.
Things changed, however, when I moved away. Each visit home, I sought out a different place and fell in love with the Jamaica I was discovering. I basked in golden red sunsets, marveled at the fog that drops like a curtain over the Blue Mountains, held my breath at the stately beauty of the great houses. I found myself in the smiles of the people and I came alive.
My discoveries excited me. The more I got to know Jamaica, the more I wanted to share it, and my other favorite places, with my friends. So I created InsideJourneys to provide an opportunity for travelers who want to cross that carefully drawn line between tourist (outsider) and native (insider) to connect, inhale, and soak in the ambiance, and for the duration of their stay, experience what it is like to be part of this world.
So come with me as I show you my Jamaica – and anywhere else I visit. Look for insider insights, stories about off the beaten path locations, eco- and community tourism destinations, cultural observations, historic sites, local foods, music, and art – the Jamaica that reinforces the 1970s tourism board marketing message, We’re more than a beach, we’re a country.

On the Web – 11 Fun Things to do in Jamaica, October 2013
JamaicanEats, My First Pig Roast, Summer/Fall 2012
JamaicanEats, What My Mother and Grandmother Taught Me About Baking and Life, Winter/Spring 2012
JamaicanEats, The Passion of Uncle Norris, July 2011, Blogger’s Choice – Treasure Beach, Jamaica, October 2011