Inauguration 2013: Barack Obama and MLK, United Today
Four years ago, I was among nearly 2 million people who traveled to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to witness the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Today, I'm 1,500 miles away, watching the ceremony on television. But no matter where on the map you are, geographically or politically, the pomp and the ceremony are no less poignant or humbling. Of course, there are obvious differences between today and four years ago. For one, the temperature in Washington, DC was colder…
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The Jamaica Visitors Rarely See, II
I love road trips and in December, I took a few which brought me into the interior of Jamaica. Here are a few photos of what I saw. We left early on the morning of the first trip. The air was fresh and cool and as the sun grew higher above the St. Elizabeth hills, it began to burn off the mist that had covered the mountain. [caption id="attachment_10704" align="aligncenter" width="448"] Morning near Spur Tree[/caption] Rising more than 2,000 feet…
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Is Jamaica a Safe Place to Visit?
Is Jamaica a safe place to visit? It’s the question I’m asked over and over. Sometimes, I reply flippantly that it’s probably safer for visitors than for residents. It’s true. To protect the lucrative tourist market, the Jamaican government relies on the Tourism Courtesy Corps, uniformed guards, that is deployed in major tourist areas. These guards are like insulation: their presence tells locals to keep away and the visitor, that someone's watching over them. All-inclusive hotels provide their own layer…
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New York’s Fashion Walk of Fame
′Think New York and you'll think either theater, fashion or finance. Theater has Broadway, finance has Wall Street with its iconic bull, and fashion has Seventh or Fashion Avenue. Did you know that Fashion Avenue has a Fashion Walk of Fame? Established in 1999 by the Fashion Center Business Improvement District (BID), the Fashion Walk of Fame celebrates American designers who have influenced fashion worldwide. Twenty-eight designers have been inducted into the Walk of Fame to date. Each has a…
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Looking Back at the 2009 Inauguration
The re-election of President Barack Obama for a second term has me thinking back to his first inauguration in 2009. What an amazing experience that was. I wasn't interested in attending the inauguration. During the years that I’d lived in Washington, D.C., both Presidents Reagan and Clinton were inaugurated twice but I never felt compelled to take the 15-minute metro ride to the Mall to attend any of them. Blame the cold. No matter how mild the winter, come inauguration weekend,…
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My Year of Travelling in Jamaica & Elsewhere, Pt II
As 2012 drew to a close, I was plagued by the notion that I didn't do enough travelling. It was making me feel a bit regretful so I started making a list -- I love lists! Sure enough, I realized I had done a lot of travelling in Jamaica and that made me smile. I had even managed to slip in a few trips to New York and Toronto. My photos helped to bring back memories of each place I'd…
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My Year of Travelling Jamaica, Part I
As 2012 draws to a close, I'm eagerly anticipating another year of travel and discovery. But before I start the New Year, I wanted to look back at my year of travelling Jamaica. Since January, I have logged hundreds of miles around the island. Sometimes I traveled solo, sometimes I was with friends who were visiting. Each trip though, brought me face to face with intriguing individuals, or took me on explorations of interesting and historic places, or opened my…
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New York City at Christmas
Christmas decorations start going up on stores, office buildings and private homes in New York City right after Thanksgiving. The decorations are sometimes simple, sometimes elaborate. No matter, they put a smile on my face and help me get into the spirit of the season. I'm sure they do the same for others, which is why there are usually scores of people milling around. [caption id="attachment_10478" align="aligncenter" width="564"] All Dressed Up for Christmas[/caption] Each Christmas, this building on 6th Avenue…
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How Not to Get Sucked in by Times Square Electronic Stores
Up to 70% off all cameras, the sign screamed, its bright red letters unmistakable against the white background. It could have been there for months but on that day late last year, it drew me in. I'd heard about them before I even moved to New York - these stores around Times Square that pull you in with the promise of good deals on electronic items. For years, I never even looked their way. Then, on an impulse, and thinking I…
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Pigeon Peas
One of the sure signs that Christmas is around the corner is the flowering of the pigeon peas. Also known as gandules, they are called gungo or pigeon peas here in Jamaica and are the essential ingredient in the rice and peas dish most families prepare on special occasions and, in particular, on Christmas Day. [caption id="attachment_10444" align="aligncenter" width="614"] Pigeon pea plant[/caption] The pigeon pea originated in eastern India and was brought to east and west Africa, and eventually to the…
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