I was so taken by this boat – its color and design, and the way it contrasted with the blue of the water – that I had to take a photo.

It also gave me the idea for today’s Travel Photo Thursday post. Here are a few other ‘boat’ photos I found in my archives.

Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need: a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends, worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you, a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink; for thirst is a dangerous thing. – Jerome K. Jerome

Any damn fool can circumnavigate the world sober. It takes a really good sailor to do it drunk. – Sir Francis Chichester.

Only the guy who isn’t rowing has the time to rock the boat. – Jean Paul Sartre

We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now. – Martin Luther King

I still remember my first time on a boat. I was nervous as we sailed away from shore, and overwhelmed by the vast expanse of water around me, and the smell of it. I tried to imagine what it must have been like for the early navigators and explorers who set off in search of lands they thought were there; how endless days at sea could easily discombobulate and disorient.
I’ve been on many boats since then, though I’m not confident that I could navigate one, even with a compass. There are no reference points on water!
What do you think of when you see a boat?
This is my submission to Travel Photo Thursday, which is organized by Nancie at Budget Travelers Sandbox. Be sure to head over and check out more photos from locations around the world.
I love boats! I don’t know why but looking at boats seems to make me feel peaceful. Loved your sunset picture.
Great boat photos – especially the last one with the sunset – And I love the Sartre quote about rocking the boat too! When I see a boat I think “Adventure”!
I think that first one is beautiful. Hmmm… I wonder what boat pics I have in my archive.
Amazing color of the boats against the background in the first two captures!! Loved the post, amazing pictures coupled with equally well chooseo quotes!
Thanks, Debbie. They do give a feeling of calm, don’t they?
Glad you love the sunset picture – it’s one of my favorites.
Thanks, Lisa. Glad you like the sunset photo.
Yes, that quote was so spot on, I had to include it.
Thanks, Michele. Have a look, would love to see what you have.
Yes, isn’t it? Glad you like the photos and the quotes, Arti.
I love boats – guess they represent new discoveries and new worlds. And I love the quotes you’ve included.
Your first photo is amazing. I have never seen a boat that colour. When I see boats I think of the places they have been and what stories they could tell.
The thought of a vast expanse of water without any reference points fills me with fear. I would never do a cruise.
Love the quote by Jerome.
Great shot. And great quote by MLK–one of my favorite!
Beautiful photos and what a boat, that first one. Like looking at something in a fairy tale book.
Nice quote by Martin. Definitely an element of truth in that.
Another great collection, Marcia! I love boats too and when I see them I think of “sailing off into the sunset” for a wonderful adventure. What a great MLK quote. i really like your idea of incorporating quotes with collection photos. Such a wonderful idea for a post! Love the colorful boat on top.
That first one looks like a paper boat… Quite beautiful, yet delicate looking. 😉
You’re right. That’s what makes it so interesting.
Thanks, Mary. Boats do cause us to dream. Looking at them is also soothing.
Glad you like the quotes.
Doesn’t it? Glad you like the photos, Totsy, and the quotes.
Thanks, Evan. Glad you like the quote too.
It does cause fear for some — I know exactly what you mean. I have the same reaction to flying.
Glad you like that quote.
Thanks, Jan. It’s the brightest color I’ve ever seen on a boat.
I agree, boats do make us think.
Glad you like the quotes, Jackie.
Boats are quite mysterious.
great shots – love the Little Ochie Boats one!
What great colors. It is a shame you cannot find that design anywhere in the states. Great capture!
I particularIy Iike that colourful boat in the first photo. Great quotes, too!
Nice shots! I wish I could fly away to that summer from this frosty cold winter we have here in Germany…
Hope you get a break soon, Bogi.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks, Andrew. Glad you like the quotes too.
Thanks, Melissa! Glad you like the colors.
Thank you. Glad you like the boats at Little Ochie.
This blog completely amaze me. It is really a nice post. 🙂
Thank you and thank you for stopping by.