I love art and have worked in the art world for several years. But nothing excites me more than finding art in ordinary or unexpected places, where the general public can experience it. I also love to see designs that push the envelope or shake things up a bit.
Take the Sharp Centre for Design building. An expansion of the Ontario College of Art & Design, it’s fun and whimsical and was totally unexpected. It’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but for a design school, I think it works.

I liked the juxtaposition of these two buildings. There’s nothing unique or surprising about either but there are design elements that echo in both.

I did make it to a few of the galleries on Morrow Avenue where I took these photos of the exterior of the building.

Still on Morrow Avenue, I spotted this piece.

This 500,000-tile mural at the first Trump International Hotel and Tower to be built in Canada was created from two photos of Torontonians, one taken at an Air Canada Center and the other at Roy Thompson Hall. The photos were superimposed to create the image for the mural.

The Bay Adelaide Centre, which is directly across from the Trump Tower, features an impressive public art piece which was designed by American lighting artist, James Turrell. The lights are set against what looks like granite walls. It’s pretty cool to watch them change colors – from green to pink to blue to beige, etc.

What’s the most unusual piece of art you’ve come across in your travels?
I love these shots of unusual art that you have captured – I always make my kids stop and look at them as we come across art in our travels – hope they appreciate it one day! 🙂
Thanks for linking up!
More great shots of Toronto art on the streets! I think I need to be more aware when I’m walking around the city!
These are very cool photos, Marcia. Love the unexpected. I’ve only seen the Sharp Centre for Design from the CN Tower. Hope to get a closer look next time.
I hope you do, Cathy. Hahaha, I saw the CN Tower from the Sharp Centre. Was hoping to go up but time ran out.
We do tend to ignore the familiar. I’m sure someone else visiting NYC sees things I’ve missed, Lisa. To me, there’s so much to see in Toronto, hope you get to see them too.
Wow, there are a few there I haven’t seen yet. Must pass by Morrow Street; I’d like to see that profile head.
They will, Becca. Even if they forget for a few years, eventually, it all comes back.
You’re welcome, Becca. Glad to!
Actually, Lesley, there are 2 profile heads there. Hope you get to see them.
Cool shots there!! Its incredible how we travellers find things which would otherwise be missed by most!! Lovely, have a wonderful weekend Marcia:)
These are so cool and glad you spotted them around the city. That mural looks awesome. I guess we’re too busy sightseeing sometimes we forget to look for art in unexpected places. I need to do that more often. It would make for a great post =)
Doesn’t it? You’re right, Mary, we do tend to go for the usual, but every so often, we have to go off the beaten path. Glad you like it.
Thanks, Arti. You’re right. We ignore a lot of sights that visitors find interesting and fun.
Hope you have a great weekend as well.
I love the vase made of stars. Toronto is a place I’d like to visit.
There’s a mural I have always loved in Toronto – down near the St. Lawrence Market called The Flatiron Mural. Have you seen that one?
You’ve got some interesting shots in this collection.
Thanks, Leigh. No, I missed that one. I’ll have to add it to my list for the next visit.
Yes, isn’t it cool? I wouldn’t mind having it in my garden. You’d love Toronto, Allison. It’s a neat place.
I particularly like that first one, Marcia. It’s got such a great look to it!
Thanks, Andrew. It’s one of my favorites.
Nice photos, it is very interesting. You have a nice choice.
I will visit that places some day. I like to see them alive.
Thank you for sharing.
Glad you like them and hope you get to see them for yourself soon.
Very nice photos. With a big city like Toronto, I’m sure there are a lot of work of arts all over the place. Even though I am roofing Toronto contractor, I do enjoy nice art.
There sure are, Jackie. I barely scratched the surface.