Treasure Beach is small community on Jamaica’s south western coast that prides itself with being friendly and very laid back.
A fishing community with six miles of beach, rocky coastline and private coves, Treasure Beach it is the perfect place to get away from it all.
I’ve been going to Treasure Beach for several years now, most times to attend Calabash, the international literary festival, which brings scores of lovers of the written and spoken word to this far off the beaten track place to listen to soak up world class literature.
I’ve also been to Treasure Beach when the festival is not in session. It’s a beautiful place. Here are a few of the reasons I keep going back.

Beaches are such a relaxing place, and Treasure Beach sounds really nice!
Very relaxing, especially since there are so few distractions.
Beautiful photos!
What happened that I stopped getting emails about your new postings? I see you’ve changed the wallpaper and moved the furniture around. Are you still settling down here?
These are wonderful photos and I almost wish I was on a beach right now.
I love the idea of an escape place. I have one, too here in Washington state; also a beach. In outward appearances, its no different than any other beach along the coast, except at this place, I feel happiest. A secret location that’s only significant because of the way it makes me feel. And I absolutely love going there. Just like you do to Treasure Beach.
Thanks, Totsy (aka 1800-Hot-Totsy)! Too funny.
I didn’t realize you’d stopped getting emails. Thanks for letting me know. That would probably explain why I haven’t heard from some of my regular readers. I’ll have to fix that, soon!
Yes, I’m still moving things around. I was finally able to load all my comments from Disqus so while I was doing that, it seemed a good time to move things around. Still discovering all this theme has to offer — looks like a lot!
Sherry, we all need to have a place like that to escape to, a place that puts a smile on our faces.
Glad you have one!