Treasure Beach, Featured Post

I’ve been featured in the Cheapflights blog in their Travel Bloggers choice series. Take a look at why I think Treasure Beach, Jamaica is a destination everyone should visit.
Treasure Beach
View from a villa
Cheapflights is the UK’s leading flight deals provider and if you haven’t already booked your flights to Jamaica, take a look at their site.
Since my arrival in Jamaica, I’ve been soaking up everything around me, especially flowers. Many, like this one, the Shrimp Plant, are new to me. Some I know but have forgotten their names.
Shrimp Plant, Jamaica
Shrimp plant
I’m surprised how many fruit trees I don’t remember. I know the popular ones, like the mango, banana, coconut. But guava, naseberry, starapple, for example, if they’re not in fruit, I’m lost. So I’m also getting re-acquainted.
While I’m doing that, please take a look at my post on Treasure Beach and a few of my previous posts on Jamaica.

4 comments on “Treasure Beach, Featured Post

  1. Now that is interesting as it is also known as the lollipop flower and I took some pictures of it at the NY Botanical garden. I like how we have many names for different things; based on where you find yourself. Sounds like you are enjoying getting reacquainted with home. 🙂

  2. I visited your blog a couple of days ago and there was a message that the domain was parked. And even as a subscriber, I don’t get emails on your posts anymore. What’s going on over there in Jamaica? How are you enjoying it? What prompted the move? Seems like you’ll be at liberty to be a little more free in your doings.

  3. Not sure how I forgot to renew my registration. Got a surprise when I tried to get to it myself.
    Will have to see what’s going on — another person’s mentioned that their subscription is messed up as well.
    Jamaica’s lovely, having fun. I did write about the move in an earlier post — The Journey Begins. Will write more later, I promise.

  4. Oh, that’s interesting! It does look a little like a lollipop. Even within Jamaica, we have different names for the same things. I love comparing notes with my friends as we all call the same things by different names.

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