Foodie Tuesday: Otaheiti Apples

Otaheiti apples came to Jamaica and the Caribbean from the Pacific islands. Bright red, sometimes pink in color, they have a texture that reminds me of cotton candy. Some varieties are pear-shaped, others are slightly round; some have a mild flavor, others are quite sweet.

Otaheiti apples are also called Jamaican apple and cocoplum here; pommerac and rose apple in parts of the Caribbean.

Otaheiti Apples
Otaheiti Apples

Otaheiti apples have about 100 grams of water. They are also excellent sources of Vitamin C, calcium, thiamine and riboflavin. Because of their high water content, they will last only a few days if they’re not refrigerated, slight more if they are.

Otaheiti Apples

During the season, which runs from about December/January until about May, trees laden with fruits are everywhere. They have to be picked quickly before the birds get to them, like they did in the photo above. They’re bagged and sold by street vendors or in the markets. Otaheiti apples can be used in salads, juices, preserves and to make wine.

How to Make Otaheiti Apples Juice

2 dozen otaheiti apples
4 thin slices ginger
1/4 cup sugar (optional)
4 tbsp lime juice


Place ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
Strain into iced glass or over ice cubes.
Decorate with otaheiti apple slices or mint leaves.
Serves 6.

Recipe from Norman Shirley via JamaicanEats.


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29 comments on “Foodie Tuesday: Otaheiti Apples

  1. Wow, I’ve never even remotely heard of these, Marcia! re: “has a texture like cotton candy…” That got my attention especially if they melt in your mouth like cotton candy does! 🙂 I would love to have some of that Otaheiti Apple Juice. That sounds soooooo good right now!! 🙂

  2. We call them mountain apples here in Hawaii…I have an old one that smells and tastes like fresh roses it’s a very odd but also refreshing taste – really like roses – but maybe it’s just my older tree. I love the idea to make a drink and use ginger.

  3. So can you make applesauce with these apples? I’ve never seen them or even heard of them before. What an interesting texture they have too.

  4. Hi Marcia, You\’ve taught me about a new form of apple and here I was born and raised in \’apple country\’ of Washington! Sorry, to be tardy but we were traveling so didn\’t have a lot of computer time!

  5. It doesn’t melt in your mouth like cotton candy does but it’s quite delicious and because of the high water content, pretty refreshing. Unfortunately, since they don’t have a long shelf life, they’re not great for export.

  6. Interesting, Noel. Wonder if it used to grow in the mountains.
    I forgot about that lovely rosy smell, guess that’s why it’s also called rose apples. Hope you get to try the drink.

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