Born in 1801 in St. James, Samuel Sharpe was a deacon in the Baptist church. Although he was a slave, he

was also an educated man. Since religious meetings were the only forms of organized activities permissible for the slaves, Sharpe travelled widely teaching other slaves about Christianity and encouraging discussions about the fight for freedom. Sharpe became a highly regarded of the native Baptists in Montego Bay and was widely known as “Daddy” Sharpe.
He devised a plan of passive resistance – the slaves would refuse to work on Christmas Day of 1831 and after, unless their grievances regarding better treatment and their consideration of freedom were accepted by the owners.
Sharpe explained his plan to chosen supporters after his religious meetings and had them kiss the Bible to show their loyalty. They, in turn, took the plan to other parishes. Unfortunately, word reached the owners and troops, with guns drawn, were sent to Montego Bay and Black River in St. Elizabeth.
On December 27, 1831, the Kensington Great House in St. James was set on fire as a signal that the Slave Rebellion had begun. Soon after, a series of other fires broke out in the area and it was clear that the plan of non-violent resistance, which Sharpe had created was no longer possible.

By the first week of January, the Rebellion was put down. More than 500 slaves and 14 whites lost their
lives. Sharpe, who had vowed that he “would rather die upon yonder gallows than live in slavery” was hanged on May 23, 1832 at Parade in Montego Bay. It was renamed Sam Sharpe Square in his honor.
In 1834, the British Parliament passed the Abolition Bill that ended slavery in 1838.
Sharpe was named a National Hero in 1975. His likeness can also be found on the $50 note.
Aaahhhh, I see the feisty spirit of the folk from there now. That’s what I’m talking ’bout.
Always some learning going on over here. You’re arming folk with knowledge from what you enjoy.
Oh yeah, we’ve got it in spades! Sometimes, I’m surprised we haven’t had more trouble here.
Such a sad history of your place. All that bloodshed and cruelty beyond measure.
Does the population still hold resentment for all that suffering?
This fella reminds me of one of our fellas named Vincent Lingiari, who led a passive resistance protesting poor wages and conditions for Aboriginal people working on white fellas’ cattle stations.
From little things, big things grow.
Yes, there’s been much sadness and bloodshed. We remember but I’m sure most of the sting is probably gone. There will always be those who will fight for injustice wherever. Thank goodness for men like Sharpe and Lingiari and those who are yet to come.