Writing to me is like using playdoh. When I write, I play with words, string them together, like a necklace to make beautiful sentences.
Writing to me is like using the color wheel. Nouns are blue, verbs are red, adjectives are indigo, adverbs are orange, prepositions are violet, articles are brown, conjunctions are green, and interjections are yellow.
Writing to me is music. When done right, the words flow together and create harmony.
Writing to me is fun when the words tumble out in exactly the order in which I imagine them.
Writing to me is like drawing pictures with words.
Writing to me is a way to slow down and rationalize my thoughts. Sometimes, jumbled thoughts become untangled; fleeting ideas become anchored to the page.
Writing to me is something I do all day, everyday.
Writing to me is easy. Most times.
Writing to me is like reading out loud, relishing the sounds the words make.
Writing to me is rewriting. Often.
Writing to me is poetry.
Writing to me is, preferably, pen on paper. But it’s never just black and white.
Writing to me like breathing. I don’t know how I’d be if I couldn’t write.

What does writing mean to you?
Share your thoughts and take a minute to check out what writing means to my other Blog-A-Licious buddies:
1. Paula – http://hardlineselfhelp.com/
2. Stuart – http://bornstoryteller.wordpress.com/
3. Karen – http://karenvwasylowski.blogspot.com/
4. DK Levick – http://dklevick.wordpress.com/
5. Shannon – http://reflectionandreview.com/
6. Corinne – http://www.everydaygyaan.com/
7. Sonia – http://soniarumzi.com/
8. Sulekha – http://sulekkha.blogspot.com/
9. Dora – http://peacefrompieces.blogspot.com/
10. Sarah – http://sarahbutland.com/blog/
12. Roy – http://royd-spiltmilk.blogspot.com/
13. Janki – http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/
14. Tina – http://tinahoggatt.wordpress.com/
15. Thelma – http://widowsphere.blogspot.com/
16. Dora – http://blogaliciousblogs.blogspot.com/