“We discovered this new place that I know you’ll love,” Zoraya said to me. “It’s just as quaint as Cape May, with beautiful historic houses and lots of antique stores — and a lot closer. Let’s pick a weekend and drive down to Lambertville.”
I had never heard of Lambertville before but she had my attention when she said quaint, historic houses and antique stores.

Lambertville is situated on the Delaware River in Hunterdon County, New Jersey and is an easy hour or so drive from Manhattan. The small community, less than 2 square miles, it is home to about 4,000 residents. Its many 18th and 19th century houses give it an old-world appeal.
We were bubbling with excitement like under-aged schoolgirls who had just gotten the keys to the family car as we planned our daylong jaunt. We had hoped for a sunny day but the clouds couldn’t dampen our spirits.
Arriving in Lambertville, we browsed several stores and were tempted by antique silverware, vintage Gucci and Coach bags, an old world lace dress (that I could see myself wearing as I sipped lemonade and nibbled on finger sandwiches), jewelry, vintage perfume bottles.
I could have bought much more than the notebook, lavender sachets, soaps and clothes I came away with but just looking at the chandeliers, lamps, garden furniture, furniture, books, postcards, etc., I began to feel my brain shutting down from visual overloaded. When that happens, I can’t see anything else no matter how beautiful. We decided to pause for lunch. But I plan to return later in the spring and fall – I’m sure the foliage here will be spectacular.
Here’s a taste of what Lambertville has to offer –
- Coryell Antiques – www.coryellstantiques.com – Folk Art and Americana, weaponry from the revolutionary war, clocks, etc.
- David Rago Auctions – www.ragoarts.com – buyer, seller, auctioneer of fine and decorative arts, jewelry, coins, etc.
- Golden Nugget Antique Market – www.gnmarket.com – from furniture to silverware
- River Road Antiques and Lighting – www.riverroadantiquesandlighting.com – lighting, furniture and accessories
- The People’s Store – www.peoplesstore.net – More than 40 dealers on four floors
Where to Stay
- Bridge Street House – www.bridgestreethouse.com
- Inn at Lambertville Station – www.lambertvillestation.com
- The Chimney Hill Estate – www.chimneyhillinn.com
- Woolverton Inn – www.woolvertoninn.com
- York Street House – www.yorkstreethouse.com
Getting There
From Manhattan: NJ Turnpike South to 78 W, then 287 South to 202 S to Flemington, then Route 202 to Lambertville.
So if you’re in the Northeast and feel the need to get away for a day, think of Lambertville. It’s worth the drive.
Next post: New Hope, PA
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