As is to be expected, there was a wide variety of flowering plants at the Montego Bay Flower Show last weekend. There were several species of orchids, including Broughtonia Sanguinea that is indigenous to Jamaica, the ZZ Plant, cacti, anthurium, bird of paradise, crown of thorns, ginger lily, etc. But it was the hibiscus that had me pull out my camera. They were gorgeous!
See what I mean?

I did eventually wander over to the orchids.

I love orchids but they’re very finicky around me so when the flower seller told me the Broughtonia didn’t have to be treated with kid gloves, I felt I had found my orchid match. Here’s the sweet little Broughtonia Sanguinea that I bought. They love indirect sunlight and do well hanging onto the trunks of trees.

If you love flowers and are going to be on Jamaica’s south coast this month, be sure to check out the Manchester Horticultural Society’s Flower Show, which will be held in Mandeville on May 23rd (Labor Day here).
Later this month, from May 22-26, the Jamaica Horticultural Society is scheduled to participate in the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show in London. If you’re in London, hope you can check it out.
This is my submission to this week’s Budget Travelers Sandbox Travel Photo Thursday series. Be sure to check out other photo and story entries on their website.
We also have lots of hibiscus in the Philippines. We call them gumamela. Those are wonderful colors though!
I love these flowers. . .any flowers, but especially tropical flowers. The hybiscus just captures the imagination doesn’t it? Beautiful shots Marcia!
very interresting, and fine pictures !
Lovely colorful flowers! Nice assortment here. I loved those yellow and red Hibiscus!
Hope you are having a wonderful week:)
Love the hibiscus flowers… 🙂
I love flowers and gardening. A few years ago I was lucky enough to go to the Chelsea Garden show and had a fabulous time. I came away very inspired by what I’d seen.
Good luck with the orchid. Neglect is often just what an orchid needs.
Beautiful shots! Such great colors. 🙂
Beautiful closeups, now if only you could keep them looking so good once I brought them home.
I love hibiscus! Growing up in Southern California we had them everywhere but the winters are a little tough on them in the north part of the state. People have them but they require way too much work for someone, like me, who doesn’t have a green thumb 🙂
I love hibiscus! Such a romantic flower! Great pics!
Such beautiful flowers and pictures. I love the red and yellow hibiscus which aren’t very common. Orchids are my favorites. Great choice on that one.
Gorgeous – I think hibiscus are my favourite flowers! I love flower shows – we are going to the Canadian Tulip Festival in Ottawa next weekend. The kids aren’t quite as excited as I am about seeing the tulips but fortunately there is lots of other things to do in Ottawa as well. 🙂
The pink hibiscus is beautiful! By the way… love hibiskus tea 🙂
Nice. We have a hibiscus in our yard and look forward to it blooming every summer. It is HUGE, as I’m sure these were.
Stunning photos – I always love the color of floral pics!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
beautiful flowers.I am so happy to see flowers:)
That’s one of the many things I remember about Jamaica — the gorgeous flowers! Lovely photos, Marcia.
Hi Mhie, they really cheer us up, don’t they? Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Thanks, Becca. They’re beautiful.
Hope you do, too!
Yes, we do have some beautiful flowers.
Thanks, Cathy!
Oh, I’m sure you do look forward to it, Jenna. It’s such a beautiful flower.
It’s definitely beautiful. Love hibiscus tea as well.
I love the Tulip Festival. I used to look forward to it when I lived in Ottawa. Apart from their beauty, it was a sure sign that winter was over. Hope you have a lot of fun and take tons of photos.
Thank you. Glad you like them, Mary. It was my first time seeing the red and yellow, it is beautiful.
That’s the right word, Jessica. Glad you like them.
You and me both, Debbie. That’s why I look for plants which don’t need much attention.
Hahaha, me too, Laurel!
Thanks, Michael. Yes, the colors are lovely.
That must have been such a treat, Leigh! I wish my gardening skills were up to snuff.
Thanks, will see how my luck holds on this one which I’ll have no problem neglecting.
orchids are my favourite flower. Some beautiful examples here.
Yes, they are beautiful.
Glad you like them, Arti.
Had a great week, thanks. Wish you a great weekend.
They sure do, Jackie. Glad you love them.
I hadn’t heard that name before. I’ve heard flor de Jamaica and sorrel but not gumamela. Wonder how that name came about.
Mine too, Denise. We have so many different types here, I’m still discovering new (to me) ones.
My absolute favorite flower is the hibiscus! These are beautiful photos, and it sounds like a lovely flower show. 🙂
I didn’t realize how popular they were until I did this post. Yes, it was a lovely show, Christy.
Lovely series, Marcia!
I love photographing flowers, too. Somehow, those photos never come out bad, regardless of weather or anything external factors. These are so bright and beautiful. Hibiscus is supposedly very healthy as well, chock full of vit C.
You’re so right, Sophie, it’s hard to take a bad photo flower. And they’re full of C, am sure that’s why they make tea from it. I’d forgotten that.
Thanks, Andrew!
These are gorgeous shots! I certainly don’t take enough shots of flowers myself. This is going to motivate me to change that 🙂
Merci, Joel! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.
I love the red and yellow hibiscus. So unusual. Before we started travelling I never realised just how many countries they grew in, nor how many colours and sizes. We’re in Sri Lanka at the moment and there are some beautiful ones here but I think the ones you’ve taken photos of are more beautiful.
Hibiscus is just beautiful! We have lot of it here and when I was in school I would pluck a hibiscus turn it upside down with its stamens hanging down and petals would look like a dress and then I would swirl it around as if it was a dancing doll! I loved doing it!
Hahahaha, that’s pretty cool, Naxysch. I thought you were going to tell me you put them in your hair. I remember when I was younger there was a woman who always wore a red hibiscus in her hair. She always looked so attractive.
Thanks, Tracy, glad you think so. The red and yellow ones are unusual.
Isn’t it wonderful how democratic the hibiscus is? From California to Pakistan to the Philippines to Sri Lanka. Beautiful!
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, Samuel. I love taking flower shots, they’re such easy subjects, plus they make me smile.
Oh wow hibiscus in the hai? Pretty good idea! Must try it some time! 😛
Yes, in her hair. You should try it — a nice red one.