For My Grandmother, Doris

My grandmother Doris (Dor Dor) left us ten years ago today; thirty-three years and one day after we

Dor Dor
Dor Dor

lost my Aunt Joyce.

It’s a bit ironic that the dates of their deaths follow so closely as of the three women in my family – my grandmother, mother and aunt – my grandmother and aunt were most alike in temperament.

Both were born under the same zodiac sign, Capricorn, only 9 days separating their birth dates. Both had the same easygoing nature and would find fun in any situation. One of the things I remember about them is the playful nicknames they created for people they knew. But they’d only use them behind the person’s back. My mom, the cautious one, would warn them that one day they’d call the person by the nickname by accident. Thankfully, it never happened.

A few weeks ago, I was swapping stories about her with a cousin. She told me of the time she was visiting and noticed a lone breadfruit on a tree in the backyard at my grandmother’s house. She remarked how lovely the breadfruit looked and my grandmother said she planned to cook it for dinner that evening. Shortly after that exchange, someone my grandmother knew passed by, noticed the breadfruit and asked my grandmother for it. My cousin was speechless when Dor Dor told him to “Take it, my boy!” That’s how she was. She’d give you the shirt off her back, if you needed it.

Dor Dor’s house was never empty. After her children moved away and began having families of their own, she welcomed grandchildren, close family members, strangers – anyone who felt they needed a bed or a place to stay. She never turned anyone away.

She rarely disciplined an errant child but when she did, it was swift. One slap and she had your attention. In her later years, when the great-grandchildren started coming, she’d keep sweets, small trinkets, and money in her pocket to press into a child’s hand whenever they visited.

Sometimes I laugh out loud when I remember how her face would crease and her eyes would twinkle when my mother caught her spicing her conversation with one or two colorful Jamaican words.

Dor Dor loved flowers and always said she’d be going to Heaven to plant roses. I smile now because I know Heaven is more beautiful because of her presence.

Remembering My Aunt Joyce

Since November began, I’ve been thinking a lot of my Aunt Joyce who passed away on this date 43 years ago. She was a beautiful woman, funny, straightforward and very popular. Everyone called her Ms. Joyce, sometimes Ms. Spence, rarely ever Mrs. Spence.

When she left us, she was only 39 – old enough to marry and have four children, too early to watch them grow up and see who would look most like her or take after her in temperament, and way too soon to see her any of her eight grandchildren.

As the only two girls, she and my mother were as close as any two siblings could be but as different as apples and oranges.  Where my mother was punitive, she was fun. Where she was strict, she was playful. Where my mother would settle for just some face cream, she needed the drama of color.

According to my mother, I got my “fastidiousness” from her. She used to tell me that whenever Aunt Joyce got paid, she would bring fabric to make dresses for me. As soon as I saw the fabric, I’d hold it up against my body and parade in front of the mirror, making sure, I guess that the color suited my skin tone and that I liked it. My mother swore I got that from Aunt Joyce because she was the one who loved clothes.

My mom was probably right. I perfected vanity at her feet. On the rare morning when Aunt Joyce was early for work, I’d sit and watch her add a splash of red to her lips, a dab of rouge to her cheeks, a swipe of pencil to fill in her brows. Like her, I never leave the house with my face bare.

She also taught me how to read a clock or at least know what numbers the hour and second hands were on. Whenever she’d yell, “What time is it?” my other cousin and I would race each other to look at the clock in the dining room and scream back, “The short hand is on 8 and the long hand is on 10!” Most times she’d yell back, “Tell me when the long hand is on 11!” and we’d try to sit still and watch the staccato movement of the long hand as it marched towards 7:55. Sometimes, before we could shout the time, we would hear her bursting through the bedroom door and both of us would trail behind her to watch as she jumped on her bicycle and head towards the gate usually throwing back some admonition to behave or a message for the woman who took care of us while she was at work.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her or something she’d say or do. Now that both my mother, grandmother and uncle are gone, I often wonder if they’re recalling the stories we remember.


Travel Photo Thursday: Elephants

There are more than 30,000 elephants in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe so it’s not a matter of whether you’ll see a few elephants when you go game watching, but when.

We first saw this mother’s baby at the side of the road and stopped to take it’s photo when we heard the unmistakable sound of an elephant on our right. When I turned round, I noticed her ears were fully open — elephants use this technique to frighten other animals, and us. She was so close, I’m not sure how we didn’t see her first but glad I didn’t fumble the shot.

Lone Elephant, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
Lone Elephant, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

We were very lucky the day we watched as a herd approached a watering hole. The baby got there first and began drinking right away, totally oblivious to our presence.

Baby elephant at a watering hole, Hwange National Park
Baby elephant at a watering hole, Hwange National Park

Soon more came and they drank, played, squirted water on their backs, rolled around in the mud and had a good ole time.

Elephants taking a mud bath, Hwange National Park
Elephants taking a mud bath, Hwange National Park
Elephants playing at a watering hole, Hwange National Park
Elephants playing at a watering hole, Hwange National Park

We were very fortunate to catch this scene — several hundred cape buffalo near our camp. As we sat quietly watching the buffalo, we saw a herd of elephants approaching. From the corner of my eye, they looked like a dark shadow but the day was clear so I began looking more intently. Then I saw them. For animals that can weigh up to 7,000 lbs., they are astonishingly quiet and nimble on their feet. Soon, about three or four herds joined buffalos, zebras and impalas at the watering hole. It was a beautiful sight.

Elephants and Cape Buffalo, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
Elephants and Cape Buffalo, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
A lone bull elephant, Mbisa, Zimbabwe
A lone bull elephant, Mbisa, Zimbabwe

Towards the end of the day, we caught this elephant slowly making its way as if he’d had a hard day at work and was on his way home. I hoped that where ever ‘home’ was, it wasn’t too far away.

This is my submission to this week’s Budget Travelers Sandbox Travel Photo Thursday series. Be sure to check out other photo and story entries on their website!

At the Customs Department

For some people, it’s almost easier to give up a body part than have to deal with the bureaucracy of government. I’m one of them.

Before I left the U.S., I had shipped some personal items that I wanted to have when I arrived. The day after I was notified of their arrival, I went to the shipping company then to the customs department to pick them up.

At the shipping company, I picked up the shipping forms, paid them a handling fee and headed to the customs department. That took no more than 10-15 minutes. I was smiling until my cousin said the fun was about to begin.

We arrived at the customs office and joined a group of about 20 people who were sitting around casually. I tried to read their expressions to see who were the veterans and who were first-timers, like me but each wore the same look of resignation their eyes becoming alert only when their names were called.

Within thirty minutes, though, a customs officer was asking those who had just arrived to bring their shipping forms, passports and other identification to him. He noted our names and led us into another room where another person recorded our details in a log and gave us a customs identification badge. Since I was the addressee, I was allowed in. My cousin, who was with me, was not.

When it was his turn, each person in the group I was with walked up to a window, handed over his form to an officer and was told the amount to be paid. After paying, there was another office (downstairs) and another line to join. This time, however, there was no fee. (I still haven’t figured out why we couldn’t have completed both steps in that one office.)

Before I left the second office, I was told to wait in a designated area to be called. At this point, I went to get my cousin. (Looking back now, I can see why a second person wasn’t allowed in. There was just enough room for one person per consignment in both of the offices.)

About 15 minutes after we took our seats, I heard my name. I was shown into a cavernous warehouse, which was packed to the rafters with packages of all shapes and sizes.

Barrels being collected from the Jamaica Customs Department, Gleaner photo
Barrels being collected from the Customs Dept., Jamaica Gleaner photo

It buzzed with activity. Workers wheeling boxes and containers, talking at the top of their voices, people unpacking boxes and barrels for inspection and the beep, beep, beep of small front-end loaders as they drove a path through the crowd with barrels and packages and stuff. A set of floor to ceiling windows separated the warehouse from an open plan office where shippers, carrying sheaves of forms were being directed.

Once we unpacked everything I had in my barrel, a customs officer came to inspect them. This is where they determine the value of the goods I’m importing into the country and assess the tax to be levied. Since my items were used, I was charged a nominal amount. I paid a cashier who took my forms and gave me back a receipt and another form and directed me to a validating clerk.

The clerk, who was seated in a cubbyhole of an office a few steps from the warehouse area, stamped them, sent me to collect a gate pass and told me to return to him. When I did, he took the forms, stapled them and sent me back to the customs agent.

The agent pointed me to a security guard and said I should take the forms to him. The guard simply stamped the forms and sent me back to the customs agent who took them and said I could go. Hallelujah! All I needed now was someone to move the barrel from the warehouse to the loading dock and put it in the car.

I looked at my watch as we pulled out. It was a little past 3:00 p.m., three hours from start to finish. My cousin thought it was much quicker than the previous time she was there but to my mind, it could have been shorter. But honestly, I was just glad to get my things and be out of there.

Surrounded by Beauty

Each morning I wake up, a new flower has bloomed or a fruit tree has put out blossoms. The colors are bold, the combinations delightfully unexpected. Take a look and see what I mean.

Name unknown

At first, this did not appear to be a flowering plant. The leaves alone were beautiful enough. I was surprised when I noticed that a bud had appeared and even more surprised when I saw the color. I never would have expected lilac. Unfortunately, I have no idea what its name is but I’ll be asking around.


I wouldn’t have expected to see holly in Jamaica since I associate it with colder climates and the carol, The Holly and the Ivy / When they a both full grown / Of all the trees that are in the woods /The holly wears the crown.

Pink Hibiscus
Pink Hibicus

Red rather was more popular when I was younger than pink. But there’s more gradation of color on the pink than on the red.

Pink Lusitania

Most flowers are known by their local rather than their botanical names. Either way, I just love these red and pink Lusitania. That yellow in the middle was totally unexpected.

Red Lusitania
Rice & Peas
Rice & Peas

We used to have a Rice & Peas plant when I was younger but the flowers were much smaller and pink and burgundy in color. And it really looked like the dish, Rice & Peas (red kidney beans), a Sunday staple. I wish I knew the botanical name.

I’d forgotten how proud Jamaican women are about their gardens and how zealously they tend them. I remember my grandmother, wherever she went, if there was a flower she didn’t have that she loved, she’d ask for a “cutting.” Usually, no one refuses – it’s the way things are. Whole conversations would start and continue over flowers, how to grow and care for them, what pests to watch out for, etc.

Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit my grandmother’s green thumb but I love flowers and love even more to be surrounded by so much beauty.



Driving on the Left and Other Adjustments to Life in Jamaica

During the thirty-odd years that I lived abroad, I returned once, sometimes twice a year, to Jamaica so I never considered myself a stranger to how things worked. I realize now that those fleeting visits really never prepared me for the reality of everyday living.

One of the things I knew would take a period of adjustment is driving. As a former British colony, Jamaica drives on the left. I had just started driving my mom’s car – from the house to the gate and occasionally to church – when I left here in the 70s. I matured as a driver in the US and was always too nervous that I’d end up on the ‘wrong’ side to drive during trips home. I still haven’t driven yet, but I feel as if my mind has re-adjusted sufficiently.

Walking, however, is a different matter. I attempted to cross the street recently, not at a traffic light, and instead of looking left, I looked right. Thankfully, the street was clear. Before I cross the street now, I find myself repeating a little ditty we learned in primary school, Look left, look right, look left again before crossing the street.

Jamaican money
Jamaican money

In Jamaica, the currency is the dollar. It’s easy enough to identify the bills – each ($50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000) is a different color. It’s the coins that confuse me. The $10 coin is silver and about the same size as the U.S. quarter, except that the edges are rippled and it feels lighter. Somehow, though, my mind thinks it should be a quarter. So a few days ago when I needed a $10 to pay for a purchase, I fumbled in my purse looking for one – I had several but couldn’t figure out which it was without pouring everything out on the counter so I gave the a $50 bill instead.

For each US dollar I convert, I get about J$86 and I find myself always doing a quick conversion to see if the price I’m being charged is more or less than what I would have paid in the States.

There’s a 17.5% tax on purchases. Some places charge, some don’t. I suspect most of those who collect the taxes rarely pay it over to the government as that’s now on the table for reform.

Checking out prices and wages, I wonder how people survive. The minimum wage is J$5,500 (approximately US$65) weekly. A 10-year old used car can run J$1,000,000 (US$12,000), before insurance and licensing, and gas is about J$110 a gallon. In some areas, a modest 2-bedroom house can cost up to $7,000,000 (about US$80,000). Speaking with friends, they tell me they need to take home between J$200-300,000 a month to cover their expenses.

The complaint I hear most often is how unpredictable electricity costs are. Bills vary significantly from one month to the next even when usage remains constant.

The good thing though, is that now more and more people are looking into alternative energy. Several companies that sell solar water heater, solar panels, etc., have sprung up. And some banks have jumped on the bandwagon offering loans to homeowners who want to go solar.

Frankly, I believe farming is the way to go. Those who have the land space should plant what they need. When I was little, my grandmother always had a garden in her backyard with bananas, breadfruit, plantains, ackee, lime, coconut and pimento trees, and she always had pigs and chickens running around.

I’ve often wondered how people know that I’ve just arrived. One of my cousins, who lived abroad for about 50 years, related an incident that happened to her sometime ago. She was chatting with a taxi driver when he asked where she was from. She replied in her best Jamaican accent that she was Jamaican. No, he said, You’re a Jamerican (a Jamaican who lives in the US). I’m Jamaican, she insisted. No, he replied, look at your skin. Look how you’re sweating. Jamaicans don’t sweat like that! He’s right. Despite the heat, I don’t notice anyone sweating as much as I’ve been doing. Whenever I see anyone sweating (or glowing as one of my friend calls it), I smile. It’s the ice in us that’s melting, another friend tells me.

Soulful Sundays: The Maytals

Listening to certain bands and singers take me back in time. Toots & the Maytals, or The Maytals, is one such band.

I remember one garden party that my church had, where we had a maypole – it was after Toots Hibbert, their frontman, who had been in jail – was released and his song, 54-46, That’s My Number, supposedly his prison identification number was played so often, it could have been the anthem of the party. I was quite young at the time but I do remember feeling disappointed, let down, when I heard he’d been arrested. It was as if it had happened to a close friend or family member.

The Maytals, Trojan Records photo
The Maytals, Trojan Records photo

Now this band, this local boy have, through music, transformed themselves into a highly regarded international ska and reggae act, touring Europe, Australia, Japan, the US and now rarely play in Jamaica. It is precisely because of bands like The Maytals that reggae continues to enjoy such popularity abroad (Hibbert is credited for creating the word reggae); at home, the music continues to evolve and a new generation of performers takes their place.

As a reggae purists, I’m surprised that I have never seen The Maytals in concert. I realized that when I saw a clip of an interview Toots gave for the documentary, Made in Jamaica. I was shocked how youthful he still looked, how strong his voice still was. I searched right away for performance dates but they had already performed wrapped up their US tour.

Frederick “Toots” Hibbert, who was born in Clarendon, Jamaica in 1945 started out singing in church. He met Raleigh Gordon and Jerry Matthias in 1961 when he moved to Kingston and they formed The Maytals.

Toots Hibbert
Toots Hibbert

They won the first Independence Festival Song Competition in 1966 with Bam Bam and again in 1969 with Sweet and Dandy and recorded hit after hit in the 60s and 70s. They were also featured in the soundtrack to the movie, The Harder They Come, which was named as one of Vanity Fair’s Top Ten soundtracks of all time.

The Maytals have recorded more than 40 albums and their music have been covered by performers such as Amy Winehouse (Monkey Man), and Robert Palmer, The Clash (Pressure Drop).

Give a listen to Pressure Drop and 54-46, That\’s My Number.

Old Hits Party Night at the Ultimate Jerk Center

Last Saturday night, I went to what’s been called Old Hits Party night at the Ultimate Jerk Center & Rest Stop on Main Street in Discovery Bay, St. Ann, just opposite the Green Grotto Caves.

When we arrived around 12:30 a.m., several hundred cars had already filled the large empty space that serves as parking lot and the attendant pointed us to an empty space where he said we could create a new row.

As we exited the car, a wall of music blasted from several massive speakers that had been placed in designated areas around the Jerk Center.

The Ultimate Jerk Center
The Ultimate Jerk Center

People were everywhere. Some clustered in groups of three or four, couples young and old held each other close as they moved to the music, young people danced by themselves – everyone, it seemed was there.

We moved through the crowd in search of the owner who my friend thought I should meet. We finally found him near the DJ and chatted with him and his wife a bit before moving on get something to eat.

Naturally, since I was at the Ultimate Jerk Center, I ordered jerk pork and festival and we sat under a tree as we ate.

I left my seat several times to dance. The music – a mix of R&B, reggae and calypso never stopped.

After telling my friend that I only wanted to spend an hour, I was surprised to see that it was near 3:30 when we left. Many people were on the dance floor and the parking lot was still quite full.

The Ultimate Jerk Center is the place to be on New Year’s Eve Night but it’s wall-to-wall people. Many people end the night here after attending balls and events at other places.

Old Hits night is held on the last Saturday every month at the Ultimate Jerk Center. No cover.

The Ultimate Jerk Center & Rest Stop is open Sunday -Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and until 12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. 876-973-2054.


Travel Photo Thursday: Flowers

I’m constantly surprised at the variety of flowers that grow, some wild or without much coaxing, here in Jamaica. These I took in the garden at my cousin’s house.

Unknown plant
Onion Plant
Onion Plant
Unknown flower
Unknown flower
Bell Flower
Bell Flower
Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon
Shrimp Flower
Shrimp Flower

This is my submission to this week’s Budget Travelers Sandbox Travel Photo Thursday series. Be sure to check out other photo and story entries on their website!